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About Us

Hey there, my name is Georgie and in the photo is my little man Banks. Ever since becoming a first-time mumma, I've discovered a whole new world of love and passion for all things baby-related.

As my maternity leave drew to a close, I couldn't shake the feeling that the typical 9-5 office job just didn't align with my newfound passion.

I got too much enjoyment out of dressing my son Banks and trying to express his cheeky personality with his outfits, most of the time he is dressed better than I am! (IYKYK, fellow mums!) That's when it hit me - why not take this passion of dressing my little one and turn it into something more?

With my own little love as inspiration, I quickly realized the need for high-quality, yet simple, timeless and uncomplicated clothing options was lacking. So, I took matters into my own hands and created Banks & Co., a clothing brand that encompasses everything I adore about baby clothing. Because let's face it, every baby deserves to dress like a mini fashion icon!"

Being a one woman show, I have put my heart and soul into this brand and these designs, so I really do hope you love them just as much as me.


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