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How can I place an order?

To place an order, simply browse our collection and click on the desired item. Choose the appropriate size and quantity, and then click "Add to Cart." Once you're ready to complete your purchase, head to the checkout page and follow the instructions to finalize your order.

What size do I order?

All items are true to size however most are designed to have an oversized/ relaxed fit. Feel free to contact us for more information or help regarding sizing.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. We also offer the option to pay with PayPal for added convenience and security as well as Afterpay. Apple pay is also available for a quick and easy checkout process.

How long will it take to receive my order?

Once your order has been placed and payment has been confirmed, we aim to process and ship your items within 1-2 business days. Shipping times may vary depending on your location. Express shipping is available for faster delivery.

How can I be notified about re-stocks?

Please enter your email in to the ‘back in stock’ notifications to be updated on when your desired item is back in stock. If you wanted some more information about particular products please email us on

What is your return/exchange policy?

For details, please refer to our Returns & Exchanges policy.

Do you offer discounts?

We all love to take advantage of a good sale! Sign in to our email VIP list, or keep connected via our social media platforms to be updated on current promotions or giveaways.

Are your products safe for babies?

Absolutely! We prioritize the safety and comfort of your little ones. Our baby clothing and accessory line is made from high-quality, baby-friendly materials that are free from harmful substances. We comply with safety standards and regulations to ensure our products are safe for your precious bundle of joy. We would not promote or advertise anything which we would not put on our own bubs.

Can I track the status of my order?

Yes, you can! Once your order has been shipped, we'll provide you with a tracking number via email. You can use this tracking number to monitor the progress of your shipment. Please note that tracking availability may vary depending on the shipping method chosen.

How can I contact your customer support team?

We're always here to assist you. You can reach out to our friendly customer support team by visiting our Contact Us page. Feel free to send us a message or email, or contact us through our socials and we'll respond as soon as possible.

Wholesale/ Work with us!

Being a small business, we are grateful for any opportunity to work with local businesses which align with our brand and vibe. Feel free to get in contact with us through our ‘Contact” page and please leave us much detail as possible so we can connect.


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